Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day Two

The topic of man purses is a no brainer. They’re not acceptable and a definite knock on any bad ass’ persona. But, Jason Statham is infallible………. Or is he? My guess….. he’s carrying the dead body of a ninja assassin in there that he undoubtedly kicked the head off of in a roid-y, shirtless jiu-jitsu fight.

Ok uses of the word "purse" in a sentence with the word "man":

4.a sum of money offered as a prize or reward.
5.a sum of money collected as a present or the like.
6.money, resources, or wealth.

Not cool uses of the word "purse" in a sentence with the word "man":

1.a woman's handbag or pocketbook.
2.a small bag, pouch, or case for carrying money.
3.anything resembling a purse in appearance, use, etc.

Could the phrase “a small bag” in #2 be referring to a certain women’s odor correcting product?

Is Jason Statham a “douche purse”? You chime in.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jason Stathom has to carry a fur-lined bag to carry all the beaver that gets thrown at him every day.

  3. Women don't wear panties when they anticipate seeing Jason Stathom, so they have to throw something...

  4. It's not a purse, it's a NASA developed containment unit for Jason Stathom's awesome.

  5. I think it's one of those money bags from an armored car. If you're Jason Statham you can just walk up to the back of one of those and be like, "Gimme that.... that's my money"

  6. Who's that guy behind him in the picture too? That must be his "Travel Bag". You know, the douche bag that travels around everywhere with famous people and is like, "I'll get that for you Mr. Statham..... right away Mr. Statham."

  7. The other possibility is that he's personally transporting the Hope Diamond. Who needs armored cars and assault rifles when you're Jason Statham.

    (yes.... that's a statement and not a question)
