Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Man Has Spoken

Jason Statham Quotes:

"It's something I never dreamed I'd be doing, making movies."
--That might explain his massive amount of acting talent?

"I've never been one to run around in Speedos on the beach."
--He is so bad-ass that he can tell a lie like this and make you actually hallucinate that he wears clothes to the beach.

"I'm certainly not Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt."
--Sub-text: Those guys are fags.

"I suppose that's the European way, dangerous and hairy."
--Prime example: Jason Statham.

"A lot of action movies today seem to have scenes that just lead up to the action."
--I didn't know Jason Statham directed all of his movies!?

"Well, I'm used to rubbing shoulders with crooks and criminals."
--That is unless you're a female crook or criminal...


  1. Hilarious. His speedo quote must have come before he started global warming.

  2. "I'm enthusiastic and ambitious, and I work hard."
    -- In bed......

    "People like to pigeonhole you."
    -- In bed......

    "We were diving in caves. It wasn't totally safe."
    -- In bed......

    It works with fortune cookies and Jason Statham quotes.

  3. "You ain`t ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won`t for doing all the other movies I`ve done."
    -- No, but you will get massive amounts of trim and whoop ass on anyone that would say that to your face.

  4. " We`re trying to make a movie that`s interesting."
    -- Common... Really?

  5. "People take chances every now and then, and you don`t want to disappoint them."
    -- Jason Stathom does take chances, he takes charge.

  6. "I`m impressed with the likes of Jet Li and Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee was a big hero of mine for many years. They`re great influences."
    -- ...for me to poop on.
